here is the step by step guide -
download BB Desktop Manager version 4.7 or higher and back ur fone..
you download the MFI Mul*t*iloader (search it on google)
Downoload and install on your hard drive. (follow the onscreen instruction)
Download radi*o*lab toold (again, search it on google)
once you have done both connect phone to ur laptop and thn open MFI Multil*o*ad. Let it detect the fone and do whatever it wants to. after few seconds you shall see the results in same window, could be - ABORT (Yellow colour fonts), FAIL (Red), PASS (Green)
regardless of what it is, go to radio lab. Connect by clicking on top left clickable button.
Than Click on ID from left coulmn and than Read the PIN and/or IMEI. Change it to what you like. Than press, WRITE (next to Read)
All this while, leave your fone connected (dont worry if you dont see anything on ur screen)
than close everything and go to BB Desktop Manager and flash the fone... by clicking on Application Loader. follow the on screen prompts (you needed to be connected to internet)
MFI multiloader
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